What I Learned from Reading 6,000+ Articles in the Last 52 Weeks

One year ago, I started the Sunday Reads newsletter. It’s a short email that goes out once every week (on ...

What doesn’t get measured… doesn’t exist?

Many of us have heard the saying "What gets measured, gets managed". A simple, yet powerful thought. With a simple ...

Does a great market really pull product out of a startup?

Over the last few years, I've been quite interested in the startup investing process. At the trivial level, understanding the ...
What comes first? The chicken or the egg?

How to break the chicken and egg problem – A Framework

In March last year, I published an article called How Uber solved its chicken and egg problem (and you can ...

5 remarkable ideas that transformed how I think in 2015

Regular readers of this blog and my newsletter (subscribe here if you haven't!) know that I'm an avid reader. 2015, for ...

How ratings result in worse, not better, customer service

A few weeks ago, my wife and I were in Galle, Sri Lanka for a much-awaited vacation. We chose a ...

How to save yourself from a bad startup idea that looks good

The startup bug has bitten you. You want to start a business, grow it for a few years, sell out ...

What’s the right time to start up?

[Note: This article first appeared on YourStory last week.] A few weeks ago, I gave a talk at the Indian ...

What do you really need to start up? [Slideshare]

Last week, I was invited to the Indian Institute of Management, Trichy, to talk to the students about startups. Given ...

The three (design) mistakes of my life

[Note: an abridged version of this appeared on YourStory last week.] Don't you get irritated when you make a rookie ...

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